Urban Tree Canopy
Kate Lunceford | Published on 2/2/2025
The Urban Tree Canopy Policy is in the books! County Executive Somers signed the Comprehensive Plan in December. Thanks in large part to Council Member
Megan Dunn, the LWVSC is celebrating the adoption of the Urban Tree Canopy Policy into the plan. We crafted a first draft of the plan in 2019 based on the Evergreen Community Act. CM Dunn submitted the proposed policy as a county-initiated item for the Comprehensive Plan Update. LWVSC and Futurewise consulted over the years through the policy’s many revisions. The community wrote and met with council members. We testified over and over to tell our stories of why tree canopy is essential to a livable county. Now this policy creates a framework for an urban forest management plan to maintain 38% tree canopy in our urban areas.
There is work to do to support the county in the development of good ordinances, incentives and regulations. How will the urban forest plan look? What resources will the county put towards planning and staffing? Will there be meaningful incentives and ordinances that will preserve significant trees on private property? On public property? Will the county fund meaningful enforcement? Will tree canopy be restored in vulnerable areas?
If we want to work on this issue, we need a team or a committee to agree to address it. It only takes two people! That would mean getting together to talk about it remotely or in person. Kate Lunceford is happy to sit in on some meetings, but will not be able to convene a group to do this work right now. She is happy to share names with anyone interested in working on this issue.