Welcome to the New Year 2025! For the League, it is the beginning of a very busy year. We start off with our Annual League Birthday Party on February 22. 105 years, not bad for an organization conceived on the rights of women, and then all people, to vote and to participate fully in their democracy.
Next, we are developing our program of work for the upcoming year. This is where we outline what study, education, and advocacy our local League deems worthy of our time and effort. The Board of Directors will review this at the March meeting in preparation for the May Annual Meeting where members vote on the program of work for Fiscal Year 2025-2026, along with electing Officers and Board Members and approving changes to the by-laws. Lots to get done in the next few months
And then there are two state LWV Studies and one National LWV study that our local members need to read, discuss and come to consensus on. The deadlines for these studies are:
- Elder Caregiving – Consensus due to the state LWV on March 18
- Welcoming Immigrants to WA State- Consensus due to state LWV on March 28
- Federal Judiciary – Consensus to National LWV due on April 14.
I hope your blood pressure is not rising . . . really. The studies are done, and the discussion and consensus questions have been formulated. All you need to do is read the studies in time to come to a meeting to discuss and come to consensus. It’s the League way!
All the while we will be watching and lobbying the Legislature on our legislative priorities as set by the State Board. Keep your eye out for State and Local newsletters and e-mails that outline what you can do to support our priorities. I look forward to your input over the next months - and to celebrating with you at our birthday party.