What: The LWV of Washington finished a comprehensive study in November 2024 entitled “Welcoming Immigrants to Washington State.” They have sent it out to all the local Leagues for consensus.
Who: All interested members, together with an intrepid committee consisting of Clara Hsu, Vicki Roberts-Gassler, Marisa Cortes, and Lynn Carpenter, who will lead you through this unique process—consensus.
Why: Although the LWV’s national policy on immigration is implicitly the policy of LWV of Washington, it does not address many issues that concern immigrants residing in our state. This study addresses the role the League could play to ensure immigrants have pathways to economic, social, and civic engagement in the communities in which they live.
How: You must first read the
study or at least read the
executive summary. Come talk about it at one of the local discussion meetings the committee will be scheduling in February and March. Then at a final meeting we will ask for members’ consensus on seven questions.
Where: Discussion and consensus meetings may be on Zoom or in person. These will be separate meetings just for the immigration study—not part of any all-member meeting.
When: The consensus must happen and be sent to the Washington State League by March 28.