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League of Women Voters
of Snohomish County
P.O. Box 1146
Everett WA 98206
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Our work around homelessness

The Children's Services committee completed a study, obtained consensus, and our League adopted a new position to encompass the homelessness of children, youth, and families in Snohomish County. 
We researched the situation of homeless families and unaccompanied youth in the county by posing several central questions:

1. What are the conditions that lead to homelessness of children, youth, and families?
2. What are the needs of Snohomish County homeless children, youth, and families?
3. What interventions are needed to address these needs?
4. What is currently being done to supply the needed interventions?
5. What are the effects of homelessness on children and youth?
6. What are the community, social, political, and environmental impacts of homelessness of children, youth, and families on Snohomish County?

The results of our findings can be found in our Study documents.
The committee worked in collaboration with Housing Hope to produce a program about Homelessness in Snohomish County. You can listen to the podcast here.  Video of the program can be found on our YouTube Channel. (We thank KSER/KXIR for airing the radio program on Nov 8, 2021 as part of our Magazine on the Air. )

Additional Resources

Documents from the Homelessness Study 

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How to Help
How to Help

There are 2 parts to our work: 

1. Help families and youth CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING homelessness
2. Help find ways to end (and prevent) homelessness

Here are some ideas: 

  • Attend local hearings in your city for their Housing Action Plan
  • Follow legislative updates regarding homelessness and housing 
  • Support local non-Government organizations who provide support services
  • Follow organizations to learn of their current needs; donate if you can or spread the word 
  • Contact your representatives and city councils as needed
  • Talk to your friends and family about supporting affordable housing and shelters in their own neighborhood - protect against NIMBY. 
  • Spread the word about housing insecurity and staying alert to ways to prevent homelessness before it happens.

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General Resources
General Resources

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Homelessness and Incarceration
Homelessness and Incarceration

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Youth Homelessness
Youth Homelessness

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Homelessness and COVID
Homelessness and COVID



Summary (Aug 2021)
  • Gov. Jay Inslee issued a housing stability ‘bridge’ emergency order, Proclamation 21-09, intended to bridge the operational gap between the eviction moratorium enacted by prior proclamations and the protections and programs subsequently enacted by the Legislature. The bridge is intended to reduce uncertainty as the state implements post-COVID long-term housing recovery strategies.  The order is effective July 1, 2021 and remains in effect until 11:59 PM on September 30, 2021. Read the full proclamation here.
  • The Washington State Legislature has appropriated an additional $650 million for landlord and tenant rental assistance and has also established eviction relief programs, including the eviction resolution pilot program. As of June 2021, the funding has not yet been disbursed and these programs had not yet become operational statewide.
  • On August 3, 2021, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued a new order temporarily halting evictions in counties with heightened levels of community transmission in order to respond to recent, unexpected developments in the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of the Delta variant. The temporary order is intended to target specific areas of the country where cases are rapidly increasing, which likely would be exacerbated by mass evictions. The full order is available in multiple languages here

Image by Leo Fontes by Pixabay

Committee Information


Our updated position

After reaching consensus in 2020, we:
• Support efforts to obtain adequate funding from county, state, and national levels to provide a variety of housing options and ancillary services to meet the housing crisis.
• Support local efforts to eliminate the homelessness crisis including ongoing cooperative efforts between private and non-profit agencies and governmental entities, to provide a variety of affordable housing options to meet the diverse needs of the adults, families, children, and youth experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
• Support efforts to prevent homelessness through wage equity, interventions, support services, and responsible land use planning.
• Support efforts to educate providers and the public about the causes and effects of homelessness on children, youth, and families.
• Support a continuum of well-equipped emergency and transitional housing as well as comprehensive wrap-around services (e.g., mental health, medical, rent assistance, education, pregnancy support, substance abuse, job/life skill training, childcare, transportation, and food stability) for the people at risk or currently experiencing homelessness.