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League of Women Voters
of Snohomish County
P.O. Box 1146
Everett WA 98206
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HomeAwards Info

Awards Given By LWVSC

The Democracy in Action Award

This award is presented annually by the League of Women Voters of Snohomish County, typically at the League’s Birthday Luncheon on the third Saturday in February. The award recognizes outstanding achievement or long-term commitment to enhancing democracy in Snohomish County.

Criteria for the Democracy in Action Award
The award is presented to an individual or group in Snohomish County. Actions recognized include: serving as an elected official at the local, state, or national level; promotion of voter’s rights; advancing issues consistent with the League’s positions; and promoting citizenship development. Nominations are accepted from the broad community, including Washington State as well as Snohomish County; from individuals, LWVSC current and past members, other groups and organizations, or from friends, family, and spouses of nominees.  Self-nominations are not accepted.

To submit a nomination click here.

Linda Williamson accepts the 2024 Democracy In Action Award for the Snohomish County Corrections Voter Registration Project from Jen Winckler and Karen Crowley.

The League of Women Voters of Snohomish County (LWVSC) is proud to give 2 annual awards:

The Legends of the League Award

In 2016, the League of Voter Voters of Snohomish County honored its first “Legends of the League,” to honor a current or past Snohomish County League member with a particular recognition for her/his long, significant, and influential service to the League and the community. This award is presented annually, typically at the May Annual Meeting. 

Criteria for the Legends of the League in Action Award
Long-term membership in the League (Snohomish County and others), being an outstanding leader in the League. (This may include holding an office on the Board, chairing a unit, or heading up a special project), and/or performing service to the League with creativity and reliability.


Karen Crowley presents the 2024

Legend of the League awards to

Vicki Roberts-Gassler and Rita Ireland.

Democracy in Action Award Recipients:

Click here to view photos of past recipients

Accordion Widget
Past Recipients 2010-2024
Past Recipients 2010-2024
2024   Linda Williamson, Snohomish County Corrections Voter Registration Project
2023     Sultan High School Broadcast Club
2022     The Daily Herald
2021     WA Family Engagement/Parent Leadership Training Institute & Snohomish County Complete Count Committee
2020     Missouri Hanna
2019     Kristin Kelly
2018     Jackie Minchew
2017     Barbara Tolbert
2016     Kinuko Noborikawa
2015     KSER News and Public Affairs Department
2014     Joyce Altaras
2013     Snohomish County Elections - Voter Registration Division
2012     Deborah Parker
2011     View Ridge Elementary 5th Grade
2010     Connie Niva

Legends of the League Award Recipients:

Click here to view photos of past recipients

Accordion Widget
Past Recipients 2019-2024
Past Recipients 2019-2024
2024     Vicki Roberts-Gassler & Rita Ireland
2023     Lynn Carpenter & Joan Smith  
2022     Pat Fogarty-Cramer & Julie Langabeer
2021     Rita Durand & Jo Munnich
2020     Joella Campbell & Dottie Villesvik
2019     Marian Harrison & Michelle Valentine
2018     Judy Chapman & Peggy Toeppel
2017     Janet Chalupnik & Barbara Bush
2016     Norma Bruns & Rowena Miller