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League of Women Voters
of Snohomish County
P.O. Box 1146
Everett WA 98206
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This is a list of interest categories and the interests within each category. Click on an interest to learn more about that item. If you are logged in, you will also see the members who have declared that interest, with a link to their member directory entry. Click the "More Info" link info to view additional information about the interest group.

Current areas of work

If you are interested in the work a committee does, you can mark this as an interest and the committee may reach out to you. If you want to be directly involved with the committee, contact the committee lead directly to ensure you get looped in!
24 Members
Help with internal/external communications: website, press releases, social media, newsletter, etc.
Coordinator: Jen Winckler
2 Members
This team promotes the League externally
Coordinator: Jane C McClure
7 Members
Committee Goals: Preserve and present information on the struggle to secure women's voting rights; Highlight the historic contributions of women working toward this goal in our state and local area; Preserve the history of our League's achievements

Voter Services

91 Members
Help us with messaging, tabling, communication, events, and more.
35 Members
*Currently all routes are spoken for.* Periodically deliver registration and voter documents like the TRY (They Represent You) to public sites such as libraries, and other locations.
Coordinator: Jeanne Crevier

Observer Corps

We have an Observer Corps! Members can attend public meetings as an observer and submit a report back to us to be the EYES AND EARS OF THE LEAGUE!
38 Members
There is no standing meeting. Submit reports of meetings you have observed.

Future Work

Sometimes we don't have enough people for an official committee, but there may still be work to be done. Or we can form a committee with as few as 2 people! Let's get connected.
39 Members
We are currently seeking someone to form and lead this interest area!
32 Members
We are currently seeking someone to form and lead this interest area!

Committees on hiatus

These committees either do not have a volunteer to lead the work, not enough interest, not enough work, or some other reason and are currently not meeting regularly or moving work forward.
9 Members
This committee is currently on hiatus until a new volunteer steps in to lead any new focused work on tree canopy or urban trees.
28 Members
*Note, this committee is currently on hiatus**
19 Members
*Note, this committee is currently on hiatus**
Coordinator: Joan Smith
36 Members
*Note, this committee is currently on hiatus** Follow work at the state and national level instead
Coordinator: Tressa S Kentner
15 Members
*Note, this committee is currently on hiatus** People interested in transportation often attend the Natural Resources committee